The Monthlies

Women's Health

Bleeding on the Full Moon


Although I don't find the moon makes me feel perceptibly different, I know some people do. The full moon has an erratic energy to it. It makes us feel energised, passionate, perhaps even hysterical. But the first day of a woman’s cycle is when she feels like relaxing, taking it easy, spending time alone in quiet reflection. It's not her natural time to feel energised and up for a party. So for some women this experience of bleeding on the full moon is distressing.

Inner Goddess drops
Inner Goddess drops
Inner Goddess drops
Inner Goddess drops
Inner Goddess drops
Inner Goddess drops
Inner Goddess drops
Inner Goddess drops
Inner Goddess drops
Inner Goddess drops
Inner Goddess drops
Inner Goddess drops
Inner Goddess drops
Inner Goddess drops

Inner Goddess drops


Press reset on an irregular cycle with these gently powerful daily drops. Now available in its NEW alcohol-free preparation. Sweeter than ever, with none of the blood sugar implications. 

Take in a little water at the start of each day for at least a month.

Moon Cycle V. Menstrual Cycle

For those who have read a lot about going with the flow of their hormone cycle, it is natural to want to sync yours with the moon. After all, the moons cycle is 28 days and (supposedly) the average woman's is too (when really only 12% are). You may have heard it said that in days of old women would have all bled together, with the moon. Specifically it's said we would bleed at the new moon and ovulate at the full moon. I have to say, I don't buy it.

I don't think it's very likely that all women had the same cycle length just because they were living together in natural settings.

Menstrual cycles can synchronise when women live together or work together daily, but they don't always do this. My experience of this was that our cycles would go in and out of sync. In the same way that the planets sometimes align and (often) don't. I just figured we can't all have the same menstrual cycle length. I once read that even just a single drop of sweat from another woman placed on your septum was enough to sync you with her. But a lot more research is needed.

Another idea about synchrony in women is that when we live in nature, with natural light, our pineal glands respond to the different light levels at night and ovulate with the full moon. While it makes sense to me that we would be affected by light levels from the moon, I still find it hard to believe that all women would have the same length cycle.

Some research needs to be done I think. But I'll save that for another day.

What does it Mean?

I don't want to prove or disprove the theories. I just want to say. It's alright. It's ok to bleed on the full moon. It doesn't mean you're not at your peak health. It doesn't mean you're un-natural. At most all it means is that you might feel more erratic, more irritable, more moody, if that's how you're already feeling. The full moon will energise whatever you're feeling. If you're feeling particularly low the full moon can feel like shining a light in a dark place which should be left in peace. You might feel exposed, sensitive and raw. Take time to go easy on yourself. Accept that it will pass. Perhaps indulge in some Rested Resilience while you're at it.

It's important, as we learn to respect our bodies and our menstrual cycles that we don't get too hung up on it. It's a natural cycle after all. It's not something we should try to control. It ebbs and flows like everything else. Don't let your journey for health become another way to berate and judge yourself.

Get in touch with your cycle


Inner Goddess drops
Inner Goddess drops
Inner Goddess drops
Inner Goddess drops
Inner Goddess drops
Inner Goddess drops
Inner Goddess drops
Inner Goddess drops
Inner Goddess drops
Inner Goddess drops
Inner Goddess drops
Inner Goddess drops
Inner Goddess drops
Inner Goddess drops

Inner Goddess drops


Press reset on an irregular cycle with these gently powerful daily drops. Now available in its NEW alcohol-free preparation. Sweeter than ever, with none of the blood sugar implications. 

Take in a little water at the start of each day for at least a month.

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